Most of the time, Trainwreck has moderate to high doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is usually around 17.93% to 18%. As mentioned, it’s primarily a Sativa strain with hints of Indica. Therefore, you can expect Trainwreck to provide you with intense feelings of euphoria, happiness, and creativity.
These effects are partly due to the strain’s terpene profile. The most notable of these is Humulene (an isomer of beta-caryophyllene) which makes up about 55% of that profile. This is followed by:
- Beta-caryophyllene (23%)
- Alpha-pinene (14%)
- Myrcene (7%)
On top of the effects mentioned above, people have reported Trainwreck leaves them with mental stimulation and pain relief.
It’s worth noting the strain may also have unwanted adverse effects. The most common of these include:
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Dry eyes
- Dry mouth
- Paranoia
Since Trainwreck is a Sativa that provides users with mental stimulation, anxiety and paranoia are fairly common. That said, if you’re susceptible to the effects of THC, we recommend going with a less potent Indica strain. It may also help to incorporate cannabidiol (CBD) into your cannabis consumption – studies have found it helps to counteract the effects of THC.
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